Carolyn Mehlomakulu, LMFT-S, ATR-BC
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Board Certified Art Therapist
Psychotherapy and Art Therapy for Children, Teens, and Families
Supervision for LMFT-Associates
Recommended Books
Recommended for all parents! Helps you communicate well with your kids to have fewer arguments, build a stronger relationship, develop emotional intelligence, teach problem solving, and help them be more assertive.
Combines science about the brain with actual strategies that you can use and presents it all in a way that is easy to understand. Each section includes both an explanation for the parents and a suggested way to explain that particular aspect of the brain to your child. The strategies are practical, easy to implement right away, and helpful for all children. Most are focused on emotional regulation and understanding the influence of thoughts and memories. A great section at the end that direction on applying them to all ages, even 0-3 years old.
This book is targeted for parents of kids under 5 years old. Although the chapter titles are sometimes shocking and counter to what many parents typically do, everything is backed up with experience and research. Provides a lot of great information that you can put to use right away. There is a lot of focus on children's development through play and building good social skills.
Teaches parents about stress and anxiety in children so that you understand what is normal stress and what is a more concerning anxiety disorder. Gives tips and strategies for helping you child understand and manage all forms of anxiety. Address various forms of anxiety, including OCD, social anxiety, and hair pulling.
This is my number one recommendation for parents of a child or teen with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Helps you understand what OCD looks like, how it affects your child, and how you can help your child to fight back. Although most children will also need professional treatment from therapy or medication, this book teaches parents how best to support their child's recovery.
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